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Dec.24-Jan 13 Update

It’s been awhile since I’ve written anything, but that’s because the last 3 weeks of my life have been a bit different.

So here’s the quick update:

Christmas eve, i flew back to the states and surprised my family. Peaked at age 20 and literally will never be able to pull off something like this again, but it was so very worth it. Not just for the reactions on my family member’s faces, but for that week i got to spend, as brief as it was.

January 2nd my dad and i went on a bit of an adventure, we flew back to GDL, spent a couple days in Mexico CIty, a week in his hometown in Michoacan, and finished the trip in GDL.

I learned a lot. About myself, my family, my roots, my incredibly short fuse while traveling, and other stuff i probably still haven’t realized.

It was so much fun, i ate a lot of food and got sick, but i think the time i spent in Michoacan as short as it was has been some of the most valuable time I’ve spent throughout this grant.

So enjoy these photos, I’m going to write some other posts more deeply examining/explaining why this week was so important.


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